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Robb School
Robb School

Welcome to Robb Elementary


Robb Elementary School is a K-4 school that services approximately 475 students. Our staff takes great pride in doing our part to support the district mission of developing lifelong learners who are adaptable, resilient, productive, and of high moral character. Robb Elementary is committed to developing the whole child through rigorous curriculum, a multi-tiered system of supports and consistent implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports. We are the only KCSD school located in the city of Lock Haven and we are so proud to serve this community. Thank you for visiting our website and please check us out on Facebook. If you have any questions or would like any additional information about our incredible school, please do not hesitate to contact us at 570-893-4900. Go Wildcats! 

Monthly Newsletter



New Student Registration

Any student who is new to the area will need to enroll with our Student Services Department

Learn More

Student Registration

Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Food and Nutrition Services Menus 

Free and Reduced Lunch Applications

And More



Keystone Central School District 2023 / 2024 and Robb Building Calendar

Read More


Attendance Info

Click here to send your child's excuse.

School attendance is critical and has a direct connection with how successful your child will be throughout their educational experience. We need your child here in order for them to grow academically, socially and emotionally. Attendance is the start of all success!  





Excuses must be received within 3 days from the date your child was absent. 



 Bus Routes  and  Transportation Forms

Click here 




